Saturday, September 6, 2008

Kira-Post Op Day 1

Sorry for the delayed post, I just got a message this afternoon.

Kira's surgery lasted six hours. The doctors came out to talk to her family and said that the surgery went well. The aneurysm was the size of a baseball. The removed the dacron patch and replaced it with a stent. They were able to go in through her side.

Some concerns are that there may be some paralysis of her left vocal cord and diaphragm. The phrenic nerve (which controls the vocal cord & diaphragm) had grown onto the aorta so the surgeons had to peel it off. Kira was stable until about 3 am and the doctors think she may have had a stroke. Her right side was not responding, but this morning she moved her right foot a little bit.

That's all I have for now. I will post again when I hear from Leona.


Gina and the Gang said...

Kira, I'm so glad they took that sucker out! The size of a baseball??? I know you are already dealing with complications that you didn't want, but you will be okay. Thinking of you!!

Anonymous said...

Kira, Glad to hear that the surgery went well. I hope your recovery goes smoothly. I am praying for you & your family! Hang in there!