Saturday, September 13, 2008

Update all good!

This is Valerie, backup author to the amazing Andrea as she is at a re-treat! Yesterday I received some messages from Leona (Kira's mom) so here goes (I will try not to mess up).

Kira, Daddy Ross and Baby Ross had a wonderfully long visit yesterday. Kira was moved out of the ICU an Baby Ross was going to visit her again. Leona wanted to let you all know how much your encouraging replies mean to them, so please keep posting.

Thankyou to all!


Gina and the Gang said...

Yikes, I've missed a lot of updates, but I am SO HAPPY to see that she is doing so well! And I know that seeing her baby boy makes all the difference.
Still thinking of you!

Anonymous said...


Just wanted to let you know that I am so proud of you for your strength and courage through this. I wish i could be there with you, but please know that even though Im not, Im constantly thinking of you and praying for you. My entire family and all of my friends are praying for you and sending their love. I know that you will continue to make great improvement and I will be there to see you as soon as I possibly can. Love and miss you.

Hayley and Olivia