Thursday, September 11, 2008

Post-Op Day 6

Kira may leave ICU today. Once she does she'll be followed primarily by Neurology. We have to remember that she just had major surgery. Her therapy plan won't be able to be very aggressive at first and some of it is going to need to be driven by her pain level from the operation.

Big Ross has been a wonderful caretaker for Kira. He spends hours sitting at her bedside and whenever she wakes up he is so attentive and positive. He is going to help her any way he can. With her loving husband and amazing son, Kira has so much to get better for.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am a friend of Andreas and wanted to tell the Gonzales family I am keeping Kira in my prayers. I remember awhile back Andrea telling us about Kira when she was pregnant. I am so sorry to hear she had to go through another heart surgery, and on top of it all suffered a stroke.

I'm sure having Ross about helps her so much with recovery. She has an amazing family and she is so blessed to have you all there.

God bless,

Vanessa ~ Heart Mom to Arianna