Thursday, July 10, 2008


We JUST got back to the hotel from his pre-op appt today. We got there at 7:30am. We had to do the admit paper work, go to the heart clinic for a very long echo, then Dr. Murphy (my cardiologist, who is also a ped's cardiologist) came in to look at the echo, and talked to me a little about my own upcoming surgery. Then, we were told to get an Xray, labs, EKG. But, we had to be back at the heart clinic at 10am, no later for the consult w/ surgical team. So, we waited for the nurse to bring in the numbing cream for lil Ross' arm (for blood draws). She brought that in, and then we went to get his xray, but ended up waiting 45 minutes, and by then it was 10am, so we had to come back later.

We met w/ the surgical team, and they were very impressed w/ him. They just went over all the risks and bla bla bla that we've already heard....sorry, i'm tired, and Starbucks messed up my drink this morning so i didn't get my fix. =(

Then, we went to get blood work, and I'll just say, IT SUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, the numbing cream was great on the left arm, because the nurses applied it to the arm that has the best luck w/ good veins. So, he didn't feel a thing on the left side, even though they poked his arm and hand.......and no luck..go figure. So, they found a good vein on his right arm (no numbing cream), and he was NOT a happy camper. It was awful.

Now we're back at the hotel, and baby Ross is snoozing..=) I have pictures, but i forgot my plug in thing. My mom will bring it tomorrow so i can post pictures.

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