I'll make this nice and short, because I'm still really ticked off. We are in Folsom! Yep, no surgery today. We checked out of the hotel when we got the call at 10am, saying there are no beds for him after surgery. So, I was emotional, angry, and worried. I told the P.A. that called me that I was really pissed off. I don't get upset that easily, but this really got me heated. Then, she said that Dr. Reddy was booked up next week. So, I had to call his office and get another date. The girl told me AUGUST 18!!!! I said no that's unacceptable. I was kinda rude.. I feel bad now, but it turns out it worked because she just called me and said July 18. That's a little better. He has to get labs again, poor baby. The hospital people called me and they want to give us money for the inconvenience. They will send us a check for hotel and gas money. I didn't even ask for that, so that was nice. Doesn't change the fact that my son has to get worse before surgery though. I just really didn't want him to have to wait so long, and start to really NEED the surgery. HLHS mom's will understand what I mean.
Please pray that they will not reschedule his surgery for a THIRD time..
Oh my gosh Kira. I'm so sorry to hear this news. What a rollercoaster for you guys. :( Hang in there!
Stanford is such a PIA when it comes to actually keeping children's surgery on track. Did you happen to say that YOU would be having surgery soon also...and you need Baby Ross recovered?
I thought about that after I threw my fit. But, if they reschedule it again, i will bring it up. Now, I'm almost convinced that my surgery will end up being rescheduled do to no beds, because I will be recovering on the ped's side...
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